Once upon a time free radio had to be at sea on a ship in international waters in 1990 that changed and until broadband got good enough to transmit radio that was the way things were so from 1990 to the mid zeros free radio was illegal in the uk anyway. What is free radio? free radio is radio operated by private operators without any government interference or control. with the advent of broadband internet free radio could exist legally again all you need to do is get an internet channel mixlr help greatly for a modest yearly fee they provide an affordable broadcast app that can allow you to broadcast to the world online and free internet broadcasting not controlled by many state governments as in uk, all other forms of broadcasting are. so the only truly free radio existing today is online only. Radio phoenix international are proud to continue flying the skull and crossbones flag of freedom and will continue to we would close rather than be licenced. find us via all these apps radio garden the biggest free radio app, my tuner free and licenced radio v radio has both as well. radio garden has both but a lot more are free than licenced. Tune into us soon.